Spectacular Nature of Wildlife

The fascinating and spectacular nature of wildlife in the universe is no doubt one of the most amazing gifts ever given to us by God. It is part of our rich pride that gives us diverse beauty and wonders we always yearn to explore more about it. I sometimes tend to think that this is […]

In the wake of tourism

The word ‘Tourism’ sounds so normal nowadays. I guess none has never heard of this word. But what does it mean? Basically, the word tourism is a noun which means the act of travelling or sightseeing in different areas usually for adventure. Now having this in your mind, have you ever gone out somewhere as […]

Running to Restore and Conserve

RUNNING TO RESTORE AND CONSERVE! Versatile Adventures is an initiative aiming at creating awareness on the importance of Conservation through photography. The Initiative is Guided by four main pillars, that is Conservation, Tourism, Culture and Wildlife. This time round, we traveled to Kakamega county, Shinyalu constituency courtesy of an invitation from Kakamega Forest Heritage Foundation. […]

The Bull Fighting

How many of you have witnessed a bull fighting competition live? I bet very few people have gotten the chance to see or even attend this event. Bull fighting is a curious event that is associated with the Luhya culture and mostly done in Kakamega County. The bull fighting event is usually set near the […]

Monthly Photography In The Wild At Nairobi National Park with David Macharia

David Macharia is a Creative lead Photographer at Versatile Photographers. His passion to wildlife photography started as soon as he learnt photography skills. His work has been nominated for several awards. Don’t miss this event as he shares his photography skills how to capture images that tells a story. Here is the link to his […]

Champions Of The Earth Awards

The Champions of Earth Awards is the highest UN Environmental honor that seeks to celebrate outstanding government leaders, civil society and the private sector whose actions have had a positive and transformative impact on the Environment. This year’s awards were held during the Third Annual UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. Michelle Bachelet, President of […]

The Third Edition Of Kakamega Forest Marathon

The county number represents Kakamega county which is located at the western part of the country.The county comes with a share of unique features that helps the county stand out among the 47 counties. Did you know that Kakamega forest is the only rainforest in the country with some of the rare birds and butterflies […]

Isikuti Dance

Culture involves arts, customs and habits that characterize a particular society or a nation. It’s through culture that we understand how different communities carry out their traditions and how they live their day to day life. Today we focus on Abalughya community which is among the 42 tribes in Kenya and mostly found in the […]

Revolutionizing Transport in Kenya

Imagine a world where you pick and leave a bike at your own convenience without having to worry what will happen to the bike once you leave it? Well Mobike got you covered. Mobike is an application of a bike sharing service that wants to fulfill the urban short trips anytime and to any legal […]

UN Environmental Assembly

Time and again we are always talking about conserving and maintaining the environment that we are living in as humans. The campaign to conserve the environment has been a topic of discussion not only in Kenya but globally it has been a concern to many countries. Today marked yet another meeting of this year’s UN […]