The Champions of Earth Awards is the highest UN Environmental honor that seeks to celebrate outstanding government leaders, civil society and the private sector whose actions have had a positive and transformative impact on the Environment. This year’s awards were held during the Third Annual UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya.

A picture of all the winners during the annual champions of the earth awards held in Nairobi. Photo: David Macharia

Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile won the category of policy leadership for his outstanding leadership in creating marine protected areas and boosting renewable energy. Apart from the marine environmental protection, her polices have seen renewable energy production surge from 6 to 17% of Chile’s energy mix in just 4 years.

Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile receiving her award in the policy leadership category. Photo: David Macharia

Mobike, the world’s first and largest smart dockless bikeshare company was named among the 2017 champions of the Earth under the category of Entrepreneurial vision. The Mobike recognition was due to the transformative contribution towards a low carbon emission in the transport public sector. Mobikes has over 100 million registered users across more than 100 cities Kenya been the latest and globally servicing over 20 million rides a day.

Paul A. Newman and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center scooped the award under the category of Science and Innovation. The outstanding contribution was to the Montreal protocol which has eliminated 99 per cent of ozone depleting substances which has healed the ozone layer.

Paul A. Newman scooped the award for science and innovation category. Photo: David Macharia

Under the Inspiration and Action award, Jeff Orlowski who is an Emmy Award winning filmmaker was recognized for his work on spreading environmental messages to global audience. His latest film, Chasing Coral looks at the effects of ocean warming coral bleaching on these vulnerable ecosystems.

Under the category of inspiration and action Jeff Orlowski won. Photo: David Macharia

The last category of Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to Wang Wenbio, Chairman of Elion Resources Group which has contributed largely towards leadership in green industry. He says his vision is to combat desertification for a greener world with more lush mountains with clear waters.

Wang Wanbiao receiving his award during the third Annual Champions of Earth awards held in Nairobi. Photo: David Macharia

The Champions of the Earth which was founded thirteen years ago has recognized 84 laureates ranging from leaders of nations to grassroots activists. They will continue recognizing figures in the society who are impacting positively to the world.

Tyson Kiiru