I have always wondered how heaven looks like not until I visited Kenya Southern Great Rift valley in the heart of the Maasai land, the Lake Magadi,110km from Nairobi a perfect get away for it’s spectacular geographical landscape to the Northern part of Tanzania’s Lake Natron, serves as the attraction to many. Lake Magadi is […]

A Solid Lake

I have heard this countless of times and am sure you have too, but if you haven’t this is also for you… ‘Travelling is remedy for stress, monotony and thirst for adventure.’ And nothing beats a day of travel, alongside great company and photography. Regardless of where you are headed. There has been a great […]

The Beauty in Our Culture: The Maasai

What do you think when you see a red checked sheet anywhere? The Maasai people. Everyday the world grows to a small global village as it has been said before. With this, there has been a lot of cultural integration. These to mean most cultures have adapted different cultures from different people around the world. […]

Join us on Trip to Magadi

Lake Magadi is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Endowed with the spectacular viewpoints that one would wish to forever stay and admire. Apart from that, there are its signatory hot springs. Natural hot springs. Among this natural hot springs are a variety of birds that color the scenery making it look […]

A Different Light From The usual

We often look around and decide that we need to travel, have a change of scenery, meet new people and experience how it feels to be in a different city. A place you haven’t been to before. But to most, those who either live or don’t live in the city of Nairobi, their thoughts not […]

A Delight To Behold

The simplicity and impression of nature forms is a delight to behold. It appears to lie on the bounds of magnificence. Nature is an indispensable piece of our lives. She offers valuable-priceless gifts on us. To the body and mind which have been confined by monotonous work and obligatory duties, nature is therapeutic and rejuvenate […]

Are Our Efforts Fruitless?

The devastating poaching of our elephants and rhinos is alarming. What is the government doing to prevent this? With the modern technology at hand, is it that we are not able to protect our own? We as the patriots, which measures are we supposed to take? Let us take a look at the Samburu National […]

Let’s Stick Our Necks out for a Longer Neck

Giraffes are the world’s tallest mammals. It could look into a window of second floor of a story building not needing any form of elevation!!! Their unique tallness allows them to reach vegetation inaccessible to most other herbivores. You may then get curious to know just how many bones there are in a giraffe’s neck […]