The silent voices of wildlife have been heard far and wide globally. However, it is unfortunate that there is part of humankind that is not humane and has turned a deaf ear to these voices. Human illegal activities have led to an alarming decline in the wildlife population. Our vibrant biodiversity is at risk of depletion due to our activities that hurt their habitat and wildlife itself. It is a high time we stop and think what would be the welcome note to our future generation into this sickly planet with sickly inhabitants.

A current case example that serves to send the point home is the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway across Nairobi National Park. It is an immeasurable act of insult to our vibrant National Park that poses a great risk of decline in wildlife that inhabits it. This may result from destructions caused by the trains noise, air pollution which may lead to health risks of the animals in the park as well as their death. Various animals will respond differently to the effects of the construction of this railway and its use. This will lead to a decline of the endangered species as well as the decline in revenue generation from this park. This is a prime area and the only park within the city thus the government must reconsider its decision to construct this railway across it.

According to the Living Planet Report 2014, the population sizes of vertebrate species which include birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have declined by 52 percent over the last 40 years. This means that those populations around the globe have dropped by more than half in fewer than two human generations. It also noted that our own demands on nature are unsustainable and increasing almost uncontrollably. Further, the report indicated that we need 1.5 Earths to generate the natural resources we currently use. According to this report, the most hurting part is that we cut down trees faster than they mature, harvest more fish than the ocean replenish, and emit more carbon into the atmosphere and the oceans can absorb. These directly affect the wildlife existence and its reproduction.

Such inhumane activities by human beings, however, can be salvaged by putting across various measures. This can be achieved by bringing together various stakeholders concerned to save the situation. These measures include creating awareness of the importance of wildlife habitats as well as provide alternatives to the use of resources from these habitats. Another measure is the reduction of carbon emission by encouraging industries to adopt the green energy initiative in order to stop the poisoning of our wildlife.
The government is also encouraged to draft legislation that will regulate the release of various chemicals and oil spills into rivers and oceans respectively. This will ensure that the aquatic life is protected against harmful and toxic chemicals.

In conclusion, the global governments and international communities should prioritize issues related to trends in wildlife and historical changes in climate and its implications for biodiversity to ensure that the future generations will get to enjoy our heritage.
Versatile Adventures is a Versatile Photographers initiative to create awareness for Wildlife, Conservation, Tourism and Culture through content development