Future Leaders start Leading Now!

Annual Global MICE Summit The future leaders Workshop was held on 23rd August 2019 at United States International University(USIU). The theme was Skills Development for Developing The MICE Industry In Africa The aim of Future Leaders Workshop is to inspire students in the industry and nature their careers and enterpreneurship ventures. The workshop targeted young […]
Champions Of The Earth Awards

The Champions of Earth Awards is the highest UN Environmental honor that seeks to celebrate outstanding government leaders, civil society and the private sector whose actions have had a positive and transformative impact on the Environment. This year’s awards were held during the Third Annual UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. Michelle Bachelet, President of […]
Revolutionizing Transport in Kenya

Imagine a world where you pick and leave a bike at your own convenience without having to worry what will happen to the bike once you leave it? Well Mobike got you covered. Mobike is an application of a bike sharing service that wants to fulfill the urban short trips anytime and to any legal […]