The essence of wildlife protection in human history has never seen the light of the day as it should now for the sake of humanity. Our humanity will lose its pride if our exploitation of wildlife indiscriminately is not contained. It should be our prime priority to check and regulate the activities that deplete our rich heritage at an alarming rate. Today even greatest of our grandparents never got to see the dinosaurs. It is a bald and sad fact to learn that every human that lived for the last 50 million years never got to see these special creatures.

Current statistics indicate that greatest mass extinction is happening at rates 1000 to 10,000 faster than normal due to human activities that keep eating away our heritage. According to the 2012 IUCN Red List of Threatened species, of over 60,000 examined species it was found that over 19,000 species are facing the pangs of extinction.

The list is inclusive of all organisms from animal to plant species. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “To know that, even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.” In this regard, we are called to lead and be ambassadors of goodwill in championing the conservation of our wildlife. To do this, our key priorities is to preserve and protect the habitat that is inhabited by our wildlife. This will also ensure the protection of the future of humanity. Our survival on earth greatly depends on the essential and irreplaceable services of our ecosystem.

To ensure that we stand up for the voiceless wildlife, another key factor to look into is the reduction and waste management. It is highly likely that these waste will contaminate water surfaces, air, and soils which if not controlled over a long period of time will threaten the existence of our wildlife which depends on such water sources. The air also needs to be clean so that our wildlife is not poisoned thus shortening their lifespan.

It is also essential that our efforts focus on the menacing act of poaching. In Africa for example, current studies have shown that elephants may become locally extinct within the next 50 years. It indicates that more than 12000 elephants are killed every year, especially in Central Africa. To contain poaching, concerned nation must enact tough legislation to deal with the ivory traffickers. The international Community must also strive to discourage demand for these tusks. We are also encouraged to report any cases of poaching to help the government arrest this menace.

Another initiative that is currently being advocated is the Green Living. This is an initiative that encourages each and every individual to be creative, economical compassionate and come up with ways of encouraging a friendly environment for our wildlife. It also offers a platform for various individuals to forward their views thus encouraging the protection of the threatened animal and plant species. People are also encouraged to take up the roles of collaborating with relevant authorities so that they can develop their farms to be habitable for the threatened species as well as other forms of wildlife.
There are initiative and ways that can be adopted to ensure protection of our wildlife in order to breathe a warm welcome to earth for our future generation.
Versatile Adventures is a Versatile Photographers initiative to create awareness for Wildlife, Conservation, Tourism and Culture through content development