Rules were made to be broken!!!
Wish everyone understood the contexts with which these words are said. Or at least they’d read the rules before deciding to break them.
And maybe, just maybe… the world would be a completely different place.

But since we’re here and that for some inexplicable reason, the not following laws to some is an option;
Versatile Adventures and a whole lot of the campaigns against illegal trade of wildlife, are here to remind you, to play your part at slowing the doom that’s about to ensue.
I only say this because I assume the people illegally trading in wildlife trophies and resources go by this ideology.
And the doom? Oh, it’s real! So real.
The abnormally heavy rains, flooding, drought and rate of desertification; who are we Kidding, there are more dangers on the Horizon.
I am not surprised that the floods we’re experiencing, the high levels of waters in the rivers and ocean raising alarm in not Kenya alone are as a result of our very actions, against nature.
For the life of me, I can’t fathom why even after the bouts of awareness that has been created on the immense danger of extinction of species of wildlife loss of biodiversity and messing up with an ecosystem; a person with a conscience would go on with these illegal activities.

Even after the comprehensive laws endorsed and efforts created and the efforts by CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) alongside governments. There are still cases of poaching and illegal trade.
Not to mention, the constant reminder of the importance of forests, fauna is crucial for life. Your very life.
I don’t mean to sound like a broken record… but, to what end?
I meant this conversation with you to be light and clear about why we need to be the responsible species that we are meant to be. I meant this to be a very feel free write up!

But you get my frustration. I just feel the desperation flowing through my veins.
It’s palpable.
And I think everyone needs to get there. A place where we understand that we need to be good to the environment around us. For the sake of getting the best out of mother earth. A place where our creativity of coming up with bigger and better technologies and reaching higher peaks, vie into directions that leave nature intact if not improve it.
Having our hearts in the right place. For the sake of continuity. Nature is self-sustaining. We need to get only what we need. I am sure, you could be, at the back of your mind saying that you’re not to blame.
Pointing a finger at the next Tom, for their actions. Looking at people who actually poach. Cause am aware you might have poached. Or irresponsibly cut a tree. I know all that.
But this is still for you. The very earth you walk on, how do you treat it? How do you dispose of waste? Be it a sweet wrapper to sewage waste. You could even be tolerating actions by others against nature… This whole talk is for you too. Am looking for the ripple effect.
Or better yet the butterfly effect.
As individuals, we have the power to influence change for the better. Influencing Sustainable development.
Turning a blind eye to illegal trade, tree felling and unsustainable resource use is your very part in this.
Quit the ignorance. Be informed of the status of the environment. Support the leaders and the people against poaching and illegal trade. Share widely, on the information and help alleviate ignorance amongst the rest of society. Report these crimes to relevant authorities.

But above all else, please, make the personal choice to be sustainable. Don’t threaten the environment and wildlife by engaging in the trade or by buying these products. Work only with people who demonstrate sustainability in their trade and are environmentally friendly.
We’re walking on thin Ice. We gotta tread carefully.
Versatile Adventures is a Versatile Photographers initiative to create awareness for Wildlife, Conservation, Tourism and Culture through content development
Reginah Wanjiru