In typical Kenyan Style, I made the call on Saturday night…after excusing myself for the late call, I enquired if I could still book a seat for the event for what I thought would be a great trip to NNP (Nairobi National Park).

I got dropped off at the park’s gate some minutes to 6 a.m …. too early, i thought and imagined that it was impolite for the animals to get a visitor so early…. imagine a knock on your door at 6 a.m on Sunday morning am sure the lions will get pissed off. Probably they had a night out on Saturday and they are busy nursing their hangys i hilariously mused.

We started our game drive some few minutes past six, and being a wildlife/ nature lover who is passionate about photography, I was  sure this will be a good cocktail for me. In less than 30 mins into the drive strangers in this van become friends …. clicking, sharing camera tricks, settings, jokes,  ….. Lenses, extenders ….., the laughs are just contagious ….

The event turned out to be a big success. The day closed with a cocktail and prize presentation for the best photos …..

I cant wait for Photography in the wild 2 …

Benjamin ‘Kays’ kuria