From a strong vocal presence in the Global March For Elephants and Rhinos; to writing down a message combating poaching on social media platforms, holding a live chat with a person of different opinion convincing him it is possible to end poaching, that day you carry out distribution of flyers, you are in the process of achieving positive change of mind, attitude and action in the lives of our wild animals.

Kenya within 10years has experienced rapid depletion of wild animals in the National Parks caused by human-wildlife conflict, our thirst of earning an extra coin through illegal measures that is unsustainable trade, pollution, habitat loss and climate change.

Backing up this assertion is the CEO and Founder of Versatile Adventures David Macharia who hardly compares the wild animals population back in 2007 and in 2017. “To get a glimpse of animals walking in herds was common ten years ago, now you have to walk miles to capture Rhinos and elephants too” He says. Animals are losing their natural settings forcing them to stay in a Zoo minimizing their chances of reproducing, thus leading to a decline in tourism revenue, you and I can restore the natural habitat by planting native trees, adapting ways of using environment friendly sources of energy such as installment of solar panels, cleaning up streams.

Thanks to the National Environment Management Authority for the recent ban on plastic bags…the carelessly disposed plastics clump in Rivers, lakes and oceans ending the Marine well lived life.
Conservationists have long argued that Ivory has little value except when attached to a living elephant. As a consumer, you have the power to choose the commodities you purchase. To counter the human- elephant conflict, farmers in Kenya have been trained on different methods on how to tackle the growing conflict such as using firecrackers, torches and more.

Rhinos and elephants lives matter, let us all join hands and end wildlife trafficking, say no to domestic, international Ivory trade. The fact remains that there is so much that the government; citizens can do it all narrows down to their willingness. Take action today and protect the wild animals against poaching.
Special thanks Wildlife Direct, Versatile Photographers, Versatile School Of Photography, Kenya Wildlife Service.
Story by Christine Mwaura