I have heard this countless of times and am sure you have too, but if you haven’t this is also for you… ‘Travelling is remedy for stress, monotony and thirst for adventure.’ And nothing beats a day of travel, alongside great company and photography. Regardless of where you are headed. There has been a great deal of talk, on how much travel is breathtaking; How just being in a car with rotating wheels gives a thrill, how the trees, stones, dirt in form of dust and mud speak to you. How clouds blue as they are look even prettier from a different location.
Sun rays hit your skin with just the right intensity, when you’re lying next to the ocean. I could go on and on… But take it from me; you’ll never truly know this to be either true or false just by hanging around town, taking a mat to cover distances that never get you out of your locality. To and from work… You’ll never truly get the gist, the tingle or the excitement of leisure; of how it feels to throw caution to the wind and explore. Meeting new people. Interacting with different cultures. Getting a little sun burnt! Get this… Am writing this, to actually talk about the same old talk. About how travelling should be on you monthly budget. And obviously to give you a glimpse of what you missed if you didn’t join Versatile Adventures on their #PhotographyInTheWild at Magadi.
If you haven’t been to Magadi, then you’re missing out. The beautiful landscape is what calls for an epic Photo opp. The difference in vegetation; as compared to the Nairobi, the selection of birdlife, animals and the people living in the locality are what makes Magadi a worthy destination for photography, sight seeing and don’t get me started on the hot healing baths in the hot springs!!! The area is well endowed with unique scenery and is one of features that put Kenya on the map.
The scorching heat of Magadi may require you to use sun screen, but the difference in heat temperatures tend to offer a break for the climate you’re used to. The heated airwaves give you a glimpse of how different the living conditions of the people in this area live. You get insight on the circumstances that make them who they are. The living conditions they live in. And actually its up to you to decide whether the conditions they live in are conducive or not… Some are actually contented to live the way they do. And they are hard working, even in the heat!! So view this as a challenge. To get time take a visit to Magadi.
You might ask about the roughness of the road… I won’t sugar coat this, the roads to Magadi are not the best out there. But this should not keep you from having an adventurous trip to this area. And on the bright side, it’s through tourism and other supporting factors, that the region will gain infrastructural development. Look at it as way to improve the infrastructure for the region and at the same time maintaining its sustainability.
Get to explore the pink and white solid lake. Get challenged to see how the people in this community work hard to make a living. It might actually be an influencing factor to how hard you work. And how you view the world. Also Keep in mind that Versatile Adventures