Official flag of of the East Southern Africa walk through Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana to South Africa.

We, Versatile Adventures met Jim Justus Nyamu the Executive Director at Elephant Neighbor Centre during the global March for Elephants, Rhinos and Lions which happens annually  as we were sharing our conservation idea as Versatile Adventures. It has been a journey, a successful one because we all believe in creating awareness through a walk and photography. 

One of the exclusive images of Versatile Adventures available at The Versatile Art Gallery at Village Market.







































Jim Nyamu objectives include, to raise awareness of the fast depleting population of elephants and rhinos at the grassroots level, To encourage local communities to participate in conservation programs and To educate communities on laws enacted.

Wildlife photographer, and founder Versatile Adventures, David Macharia with executive director at ENC during official flag of day.

The director at Elephant Neighbor centre, has so far walked for 12000 kilometres, and 560 miles to the United states of America through the 8 states, to encourage USA to stop availing ivory market. On this day 14th July, 2018 the official flag off of the East Southern Africa walk took place at Kenyatta International Conference Centre on the Comesa grounds.

Ready to take off! Elephant Neighbor centre Gear.




USA ambassador H.E Robert Godec buying merchandise to support the East Southern Africa walk.

Mr. Jim Nyamu and his team embarks on a 4200 kilometres walk from Kenya to South Africa through Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. The walk will take 160 days sensitizing communities at the grassroots level on the need to protect the Elephants.

Jim Nyamu with dignitaries. And the 4200 kilometre walk kicked off from KICC through Parliament road Kenya. 




Speaking during the official flag of, the executive director at ENC, challenged Kenyans to stop taking up the role of killing their own pride and heritage. Mr. Jim Nyamu will make several stop overs addressing communities who have a closer proximity to the wild realize the worth of having the elephants and Rhinos alive.

Executive Director at Elephant Neighbor Centre addressing the publics before his official take off.

In attendance was H.E US ambassador Robert Godec, H.E Ireland ambassador Dr. Vincent O’Neil, H.E Colombian ambassador madam Elizabeth Taylor and a representative from the British High commissioner. Giving his speech, US ambassador assured Jim Nyamu full support from his country and wished him a safe and successful walk.

From left,Representative from the British High Commissioner,  Colombian ambassador madam Elizabeth Taylor, Dr. Patrick Omondi, USA ambassador H.E Robert Godec, Mr. Jim Nyamu, Ireland ambassador Dr. Vincent(black t-shirt) and Hon. Mwenda Mbijiwe. 

Representing the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Principal Secretary, state department of wildlife Dr. Margaret Mwakima was Dr. Patrick Omondi, Heard of research. In her speech, Dr. Margaret Mwakima acknowledged Jim Nyamu’s initiative saying it demonstrated the uniqueness of Kenya in bringing together public, private partnership in wildlife conservation sphere. The impact and significance of the East Southern Africa campaign cannot be underestimated and the government is in full support of the campaign objectives, she said.

Executive director, Jim Nyamu ready for the 5 months journey.


If you touch an ivory from an elephant, thats a dead animal. #Lets stop poaching





Story written by Christine Mwaura