What comes to your mind when you think of Turkana? For most of us think of hunger and drought that constantly hit this areas. Turkana County is the next tourist attraction with its blue –green waters of the largest permanent desert lake in the world Lake Turkana.

One among the three crater lakes found at Lake Turkana that has become a major tourist attraction in the region.   Photo: David Macharia

Central Island in Turkana is made up of three active volcanoes that emit sulphurous smoke and steam. The three include Crocodile Lake, Flamingo Lake, and Tilapia Lake where visitors can enjoy the beautifully laying sights of the lake.

The culture in this region is spectacular from their grooming, to the way they practice their day to day activities. Mostly their economic activities in this region are fishing and cattle keeping which is their source of income. This is gradually changing as a result of this tourist attraction of the Central Island Lake.

Flamingo Lake sits in the crater on the north of the island and it measures 500m.by 400 meters in diameter. The other crater is the Crocodile Lake which is irregular shaped lake that lies on the west of the island, it’s roughly hour glass shaped and measures 800 by 400 meters. This is mainly used for bleeding crocodile and Nile Tilapia

Lastly we have the Tilapia Lake which is the smallest among the three island measuring 300 by 250 meters and its located at the south of the island.

The Central Island Lake is governed by Kenya Wildlife Service who is responsible in guarding the area and also managing the large numbers of tourists. Its high time Kenyans visited this tourist attraction as a way of promoting our heritage.

All the images are available for sale at Versatile adventures office in canvas, frames, post cards and wooden mounts.

Story by
Kiiru Tyson