We do not need any statistics to tell you that we need to conserve our environment. Climate Change and Global Warming are real threats that are now looking at us on our faces. The rain patterns this year alone and the prices of food can tell you that we need to hold hands and have an intervention for the purpose of existing longer on our planet. The Kakamega Forest Heritage Foundation is one of the organizations that are hell bent on ensuring that we restore back our environment to what it was. Before we started cutting trees, throwing rubbish all over the place and not considering which our source of fuel is and how it’s depleting the ozone layer. I know we are not as extreme as Scandinavian and Asian countries but we might as well be headed there. Urbanization is a serious virus that keeps giving people excuses to clear whole forests yet we are within reach of the Sahara Desert. Consider the number of cars people are buying and how much Carbon emissions they give off to our environment. It is sad and that is why we have partnered with the foundation.

It is not all about planting trees. It is about creating awareness to the grass roots. That village farmer and that young man who sells charcoal is the one who needs to know what you already know. We are proud of the Kakamega county for all the support they give the foundation in terms of seedlings, funds, activities and even security not forgetting law enforcement. Kakamega Forest remains to be one of the most nurtured forests in the region especially once the Kenya Forest Service discovered years ago that it was at the verge of shrinking. This year, the foundation organized the fourth marathon in a bid to create conservation. They also got support from the private sector, NGOs and CBOs not forgetting the mass media. We recall that the marathon was live on Viusasa, one of the digital platforms where Kenyans get TV content from their mobile phone. All that support shows that we can spread the word and if a few people follow suit, we can get better than we are. We also learnt that the Ministry of Water and Sanitation donated two million shillings to the course.

We had a tree planting exercise at the forest on the first day of the three-day marathon and it was inspiring even having members of the Kenya Defense Forces join us during the activity. It is high time that communities come together for more such activities across the country. It is not the responsibility of the government or any foundation to start these activities. It starts with me and you; paying a little attention to our surroundings. Where do we throw away bottles? What do we do with nonbiodegradable waste? Do we burn or recycle rubbish? Do we reuse water or do we waste it? How much agrochemicals do we use? We specially commend the government for banning plastic bags and further being strict about the use of charcoal as a fuel. These are some of the daily practices that feel normal yet they are destroying our future and the fate of the coming generations.

We had a tree planting exercise at the forest on the first day of the three-day marathon and it was inspiring even having members of the Kenya Defense Forces join us during the activity. It is high time that communities come together for more such activities across the country. It is not the responsibility of the government or any foundation to start these activities. It starts with me and you; paying a little attention to our surroundings. Where do we throw away bottles? What do we do with nonbiodegradable waste? Do we burn or recycle rubbish? Do we reuse water or do we waste it? How much agrochemicals do we use? We specially commend the government for banning plastic bags and further being strict about the use of charcoal as a fuel. These are some of the daily practices that feel normal yet they are destroying our future and the fate of the coming generations.

Let us plant trees in our home gardens. Don’t we just appreciate how clean the air is in the village because of all the trees that help purify the air? Compare it with the air in a town which is filled with all kinds of pollution not only from vehicles and factories but also from hotels. Let us plant trees in our schools and places of worship. Places where people gather are very strategic places to not only create awareness but actually buy young trees and start a nursery. Let us plant trees in our local community fields where we play those matches. Let us plant trees on the side and the middle of the road. Let us even plant trees where our offices are. Imagine if every Kenyan planted a single tree every month. How many trees would we have planted in a whole year? We trust that we will keep partnering with as many
organizations that make it their mission to conserve the environment so that we can document the events that are pushing these efforts in all the forty seven counties.

We will produce as many photos and videos that will create awareness in social media about the need to conserve our environment. This will be part of our campaign to make Kenyans realize that it starts with you. Sometimes we complain about the status quo when we can actually stand up and do something. We are not saying that it is wrong to cut trees but how about when you cut one you replace one. The late Wangari Maathai did amazing work with Karura Forest and Uhuru Park before starting the Greenbelt movement. That was her little contribution. What is yours? You can do a post on your Facebook or Twitter about conservation. You can plant a tree and take photos and post on your Instagram. You can write a song or compose a poem about conservation. You can do a short film or animation about it as well. You can print a t-shirt reminding people to be careful about littering. You can do a cleanup project for your local town. You can even write a proposal for your own marathon to spread awareness and find sponsors. There are so many ways to be part of the movement to save the trees. Walk with us on this imperative journey.